August 23, 2022 Millennium Hilton Bangkok: The Ministry of Public Health presided over APEC’s health working group- the first international health meeting after COVID-19 outbreak, covering the issue of health, economy and innovation to enhance the members’ capacity in response the public health crisis and economic recovery.

          Dr Kiattiphum Wongrajit, permanent secretary to the Ministry of Public Health, chaired the Senior Official Meeting of Health Working Group (HWG-SOM3/2022), which is one part of the APEC Health Week in August 22-26, 2022 hosted by the ministry. A them of the meeting is “Open to Partnership. Connect with the World. Balance Health and the Economy” by strengthening cooperation, connection and balance between health and economy.

          He said that the meeting is the first international health meeting organized in the country after the COVID-19 outbreak, aiming at raising awareness and rehabilitating economy and health after the pandemic, together with elevating skills to encounter new challenges. It is also a stage opening for new chance to learn and share experience from all members around the world, under a hope to promote and support cooperation between each economic zone. It is very important factor to increase health value that is finally associated with the economic growth.

           He also added that the meeting covered the issue of health, economy and innovation that will be very beneficial to the global health system in the future and promote health policy, adding that opinions and experience from the participants shared in the meeting will make the target achieved effectively.

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