Bangkok 26: APEC’s 12th High Level Meeting on Health and the Economy has reached 12 resolutions for health and the economy balance by focusing on solid public health system investment, health security and universal health coverage in a response to pandemic in the future, under the Putrajaya Vision 2040. It has planned to open more borders under safe passage scheme without any relevance with COVID-19 prevention, including cooperation of sharing and vaccine technology transfer and trade facilitation.

Deputy prime minister and public health minister Anutin Charnvirakul chaired a roundtable panel discussion related with investment in health security for pandemic preparedness in the future, which was attended by APEC’s public health ministers. It is the final talk for APEC’s high level meeting on health and the economy held in Bangkok in August 25-26, under a theme of “Open to Partnership, Connect with the World. Balance Health and the Economy.

Mr. Anutin said that the COVID-19 pandemic has reflected to the facts that the global community didn’t have prepared for the pandemic and no any economy is ready to encounter pandemic in the future. Moreover, a majority of them have lacked enough financial investment to respond the pandemic mentioned by the Putrajaya Vision 2040, which is the global commitment to support and promote a way of sustainable development.

Hence, the discussion has put a focus on building up health security to deal with next pandemic under strong intention to have investment in health system and universal health coverage, including vaccine development and digital health technology.

Regarding the meeting’s outcomes, he said that the members have produced chair’s statement that emphasizes the importance of balancing health and economy, investment in health system and universal health coverage, which is the key elements to create health security.

Moreover, it has agreed to open borders with safe passage, regardless COVID-19 preventive measures, together with enhancing cooperation between APEC and private sector, elevating living condition of people in Asia-Pacific region, particularly sharing and vaccine technology transfer and trade facilities.

The meeting produces a great outcome, with ministers and high-level officials attending the meeting, including on-site 15 members and on-line 5 members, in total of over 150 participants. We could say that it is the largest number since the meeting has begun. We finally have reached 12 resolutions to make a balance of health and economy in the Asia-Pacific region. We have also expressed appreciation to US for being the next host of APEC meetings in 2023,” he said.

 ***************************** August, 26 2022





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